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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Zesty Ranch Pretzels

These pretzels are a party staple!  Or who am I kidding...a staple in our pantry cupboard.
Try eating just one, I dare you.

zesty ranch pretzels (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

I had one of those days last week.

All I wanted to do was make these gosh darn pretzels but life kept getting in the way.

You know what I'm talking about.  The kind of day that makes you want to pull out your hair yet cry yourself to sleep all at the same time.  For whatever reason you are just a few steps behind all day long and you can't get your footing.

It started with a sick little one.  I knew she was sick as she was super crabby and needy, which is unlike her.  Plus her nose was running like a faucet.  A trip to the doctor showed an ear infection. Bingo!  I knew it.  With a previous allergic reaction to a medication they put her on a new one with the warning, "it tastes horrible and will give her diarrhea".


I spent the day forcing this liquid down her throat while simultaneously changing her drawers every two hours due to problem #2 mentioned above.  We also tried a trip to Walmart.  I NEEDED THINGS.  My stuffed plastic bag broke while walking out to our car and two boxes of tampons, a can of hairspray, a can of mousse and my bottled water rolled into out into the intersection for all the world to gawk at.  I was THAT crazy lady with a baby on my hip trying to catch my feminine items on the {of course} ridiculously windy day.

I really just wanted some pretzels.  My son had been begging me to make them for weeks. Grandma brings them each time she comes and he loves them.  Frankly, so do I.  I was determined to get these things made.

zesty ranch pretzels (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

But the rest of the day consisted of chasing a dog around the neighborhood, getting caught in the rain with two littles at school pick-up and making a dinner that tasted just so-so.

Where were my pretzels when I needed a pick-me-up?

Finally, yesterday {almost a week later!} I made them.  Golly, these things are addicting. We have them at family events and they are always one of the first things to go.  And talk about simple! Perfect for any get together. Put a bowl of these on any table and you'll be the hit of the event.

A bit spicy, a bit zesty, a bit sweet!

Zesty Ranch Pretzels

3 bags Honey Wheat Braided Twist Pretzels
1 c. olive oil
1 pkg. ranch seasoning mix
1 t. cayenne pepper
1 t. garlic powder

1.  Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
2.  Place pretzels in a large roasting pan {or a big pan with sides}.
3.  In a bowl whisk together the oil and seasonings.  Pour over the pretzels and stir.
4.  Bake for 45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
5.  Allow to cool and store in an airtight container or storage bag.

Love pretzels?

Here is more pretzel inspiration.

Brown Butter Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

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  1. Savor the robust flavor of spicy ranch pretzels. Take a look at our delicious selection of expertly seasoned nibbles. I appreciate you spending the time to compose such a thoughtful piece. It has taught me a lot to read this.


  2. Sweet and savory food refers to dishes that combine both sweet and salty or umami flavors, creating a balanced and complex taste profile. This culinary pairing can be found in various cuisines and is often used to enhance the overall flavor experience, such as in dishes like bacon-wrapped dates or chocolate-covered pretzels. Sweet and savory combinations can also be featured in sauces, marinades, and desserts, appealing to diverse palates. The interplay between these flavors not only excites the taste buds but also adds depth to both savory dishes and sweet treats.
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