I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Friday, August 23, 2013

French Bread Pizza Boats

I like to call this dinner as follows:

'I don't have any dinner planned, nor prepped, nor do I even want to be cooking dinner, as it's been a long day, but I still have mouths to feed, so I have to feed them something and everyone always likes pizza dinner'.

I'm hoping I'm not the only one who has ever thought this statement?

I can buy homemade loaves of french bread at Hy-Vee for around $1.  They are always fresh, HUGE and easily adaptable for at least two different meals.  One night I may use it as a side for pasta, the next for meatball subs and sometimes this pizza.  If I use half one night, I'll throw the other half in the freezer for the next time.

Lets not over talk this one.  It's just pizza.  But for the recipe guru's out there, here are the steps {you can also get a visual with the below photo}.

1.  Hollow out the french bread, removing a layer of the inner bread.
2.  Layer on cheese.
3.  Layer on sauce.
4.  Layer on your favorite toppings.
5.  Layer with more cheese and herbs.
6.  Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes or until bubbly and brown.

Our kids loved this one {shocker}, but to be honest I probably loved it more because it was easy.  Yes, I love cooking.  Yes, I love baking.  Yes, I love creating recipes.  But with all of that, I'm human, and sometimes the last thing I want to do is cook.

So simple meals like this are my friend!

What is your go-to easy meal when you rather stub your toe multiple times in a row than step foot in the kitchen?

Feel free to link up your favorites in the comments section.  I'm always looking for new ideas!

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  1. That's so funny you say that Ally for as much as I live in the kitchen, sometimes I need a break! This is a great weeknight meal idea

  2. Love it! Hi Jenn (my twin sister!). Usually by Friday night I am spent, which is why I normally love my Party Pizza Friday!

  3. This a perfect meal for when I come home in the evening and the last thing I want to do is spend lots of time in the kitchen!

  4. I agree Jess....some people find it hard to believe that sometimes I have NO desire to be in the kitchen!

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