There isn't a bite in this bar not filled with sweet and salty goodness.
What are you waiting for....read on!
Before I dive into these bars, let us talk about life a bit.....okay?
Is every mother out there with littles running around like a chicken with their head cut off or is it just me? If I'm not taking someone to school, picking another one up from school, running errands, making meals or breaking up fights I'm probably in the bathroom.
Sometimes with chocolate.
A girl just has to get away from the madness. Don't pretend you don't do this. I have two weeks coming up where the husband is gone for work. {i.e. I might be in the bathroom a LOT}. During my last eventful day that almost made me lose my mind, I took one of these leftover bars, sat on the toilet and locked the door.
I had a screaming 15 month old on the other side, but let me tell you that M&M bar never tasted so good.
I took a pan of these to our friend's house on Labor Day weekend for a party. We feasted on smoked chicken and ham, tons of salads and even more trays of dessert. Good thing I ate early there as not too far into the festivities our middle child got hit in the eye with a golf club by a classmate.
After a full swing.
Did you know facial wounds bleed a lot?
Well, they do.
So I spent the next two hours in the E.R. with her getting stitches. She was a trooper. Didn't cry a wink getting a shot or getting stitched up. I am not shocked she is our first E.R. trip. She is THAT child.
Needless to say after a few busy, trying days I needed a leftover treat in the bathroom by myself. It was glorious, even with a screaming child wanting her mama on the other side of the door. I am not ashamed to admit every once in awhile I need a breather.
These bars are chock full of fun stuff. Pretzels, M&Ms, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips and butter, did I fail to mention butter?
Sorry. I throw a handful of really bad for you recipes at you every so often, it's just what I do. But if you only eat one out of the WHOLE pan it really isn't that bad. You'll get over it.
Loaded M&M Bars
2 sticks butter, melted
2 eggs
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2 T. vanilla extract
2 c. flour
1/2 c. mini chocolate chips
1/2 c. butterscotch chips
1 c. M&M's
1 c. crushed pretzels
1/2 c. whole pretzels
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9x13 pan.
2. Melt the butter in a microwave safe bowl and then let cool.
3. In a stand mixer combine the cooled melted butter, sugars and vanilla. Add in eggs one at a time to combine.
4. Sift in the flour forming a dough.
5. Fold in chips, M&M's, and crushed pretzels.
6. Spread batter into the greased pan and top with whole pretzels.
7. Bake for 22-24 minutes or until golden brown.
Like these bars? I love bars, as they are just MUCH easier than cookies. I've gathered some of my favorites for you to check out. Give them a view!