I've discovered my new favorite chicken marinade!
Better yet, it can be prepped ahead 24 hours in advance.
Somehow, the calendar flipped over to July when I was not paying attention. Every week in June was busy for us. I'm guessing this is just how Summer is from here on out till death? Readers who are 20 years my senior, can you please confirm or deny this? Summer just goes so stinking fast whereas the days of cold, gloomy January drag on like honey leaving a jar.
Last week the kids were at Vacation Bible School at our church and I volunteered. I figured since my youngest was now old enough to attend, I should probably get my butt there and help out. I brought out my most inner "craftiness" and came home each day with glue stuck under my fingernails and random magic markers dotting my skin like tattoos.
It will be fun they said.
In all good fun, it actually was. Minus the one day my 4 year old wanted to attach herself to my leg. Other than that, all good fun.
We did end the week with my middle child coming down with strep throat AND an ear infection. AS YOU DO when around oodles of random children with their snotty noses and unwashed hands.
It took her about 24 hours to come around, but she perked up after a good dose of meds and a little extra "mom" time. If you follow me on Instagram you saw her and I spending Saturday morning together at the Farmer's Market, getting groceries and finally a much-needed ice cold drink at Starbucks. Which she claimed, "felt so good on her throat".
Well, mission accomplished.
Then, we came home to THIS chicken.
Let me give this chicken a bit of a back story. Way back in let's say circa 1996, my family went on vacation to this little lake resort in Minnesota. At the time I was in high school, yet my sister was already married. Like most families {or maybe this is just how we do it?}, when on vacation we usually go out for dinner a few nights, but the remaining nights we take turns cooking at the cabin.
My sister and her husband took one night and I distinctly remember my brother-in-law marinating chicken in a bottle of Zesty Italian Dressing all day and then later grilling it for dinner.
You would have thought he had invented a cure for cancer. WE LOVED IT. Well now, circa 2018, everyone knows that chicken marinating trick. In fact most of America has been doing this since. But, some 25 years later, I've come to realize I'm kind of tired of that darn marinade.
Could we please try something else?
Naturally, out of sheer boredom and chicken fatigue, I came up with this 24 Hour Greek Chicken Marinade. Honestly because I had yogurt that needed used up, a plethora of lemons, a jar of minced garlic and enough fresh parsley on my deck to alert the authorities.
So I researched a bit and came up this creamy, lemony, garlicky, fresh herby marinade that is now my new favorite.
We ate this grilled chicken with some baked beans and called it dinner. Then the next day for lunch I warmed up the leftovers, added a slice of cheese, put them on buns and the kids ate sandwiches. Loved both ways!
I absolutely LOVE how it can marinate the day prior. Nothing beats a little upfront prep work {seriously, just 5 minutes}, to make dinner super simple the next night. You can even freeze the marinade and the chicken in the Ziploc baggie, lay it flat and keep it in your freezer for up to 3 months.
Whose ready to change up their grilled chicken routine?
Yield: 6-8

24 Hour Greek Chicken Marinade
This creamy, delicious Greek marinade will give your chicken the best flavor! Marinate for up to 24 hours for your next grilling party.
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 2 T olive oil
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 T dried oregano
- 1 lemon, juice + zest
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 T salt
- 1 T pepper
- 6-8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs
- Place the chicken pieces in a large plastic Ziploc baggie.
- Place in all marinade ingredients - yogurt, olive oil, garlic, oregano, lemon juice and zest, parsley, salt and pepper.
- Seal the Ziploc baggie removing any excess air. Squeeze the baggie to mix and combine the marinade ingredients around the chicken. Place in the fridge and marinate for up to 24 hours.
- When ready to eat grill the chicken, disgarding any remaining marinade.
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